My first stint at college lasted such a short time, it left me rather traumatized about the whole thing. If someone told me to give something a college try I'd be like "So you want me to show up for like a week, fall asleep a couple times, and rack up thousands of dollars in debt? Cool." Needless to say, I didn't have much school spirit, so the thought of going back was out of the question for years. Fortunately, slowly but surely, I began to convince myself to give it another try... a real college try. So I enrolled at the community college down the road and began taking whatever classes would fit with my work schedule.
Cue the montage! There were the late nights spent attempting to absorb entire study guides before a big exam, times I got the cold sweats before checking a grade, times where I would have rather eaten dirt than gone to class. But there were also really interesting classes and teachers that surprised me with their humor and passion when discussing their subject. It wasn't always easy to juggle school and work, but it all worked out. One of the highlights was finding out that I had made the Dean's List while taking five classes and working which only served to boost my academic momentum. It was all pretty great, except for that last math class, that class can suck a fart.
WOW...this gives me hope. I am considering going back to school as well. I am very proud of you Kyle.