Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 150: Learn How To Fold A Flag

     It's Memorial Day today so I thought that I'd do something patriotic. I decided that I was gonna learn the proper way to fold an American flag. The hardest part of this challenge was finding a flag to fold, because it turns out that I'm not that patriotic to begin with. After some hunting around, I found a flag (it was about 3 inches tall by 4 inches long) and I looked up a couple videos on the subject. I found out that its really easy to do, all you have to do is to fold it in half twice and then fold it in triangles till it looks like one of those paper footballs. And your not supposed to let it touch the ground because our forefathers were superstitious. I followed the steps and ended up with an inch long triangle. The end product didn't look that great cause the flag was so small, but it totally counts cause I learned the proper way and that makes me a better American...Or something like that.


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