Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 163: Drug Sniffing Dog

     We were passing through the border of Cali on our way back to Arizona when we were stopped by the guards at that border. They took one look at us and told us to park off to the side of the road. A guard with a German Sheppard approached the car. She told us to leave our cell phones on the dashboard and to exit the vehicle slowly. She directed us to a weathered red bench where we sat while she let the dog sniff out our car. I guess the dog was looking for anything from drugs to explosives, but luckily all it found was a massive amount of body oder and the wrappings of various fast foods. The guard came over to us and told us to empty our pockets one person at a time. He stood up and pulled out a gag gift we had gotten him at a truck stop a while back. It was a "extender condom". The package depicted a condom that was completely covered in bumps and thats about when we all erupted out in laughter. We managed to contain ourselves, or at least settle down to a slight giggle. The guard looked pretty embarrassed and told us that she had seen enough. She sent us back to our car, and we laughed into the night. It's a good thing that she stopped the search after David, cause he wasn't the only one that bought one of those gag condoms. I purchased one that was called "glow-boy". It was a glow in the dark one that I'm happy was kept out of the sight of the guard.

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