Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 155: Supernatural Registration Authority

     Yeah, it's a real thing. The supernatural registration authority has a website ( where you are supposed to register your supernatural entity. Whether your a witch or shaman the SRA will register and "prove" your paranormal existence with a copy of your registration document. I was sold. I created an account and filled out my info. I was a little disappointed that there were predetermined categories for you to identify yourself with. If you didn't fit into one of these 10 or so categories, then you didn't qualify to register. The categories were pretty typical ones; mermaid, warlock etc. I was hoping that there was an option for "other" where I could insert my most fitting identity. I totally would have put down golf ball if they did have that option. Its from this one time a while ago when my grandma asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I replied "A golf ball!", and everyone laughed and remarked at the absurdity of it. Since then it's been retold at every thanksgiving and Christmas and its been sort of an inside joke. It would have been rad to finally be able to fulfill my dream of being a golf ball, my family would be so proud! So I was sad (for like 30 seconds) when I found out that I couldn't type in "golf ball" when I was registering so I went with the next best thing, a warlock. I just went with that cause it's really similar to my last name anyways. Garlock and warlock, it's like it was meant to be. So yeah, you guys can now refer to me as Kyle Warlock from now on.

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