Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 262: Dry Ice Bombs

Good luck finding any piece of this puppy
     I'm still surprised that the lady at King Soopers actually allowed Mouse and I to buy all that dry ice in the first place. Boys with dry ice is bad news in every instance. We knew it was dumb and dangerous, but that wasn't about to stop us. So we gathered the materials and set up our launch pad in the middle of a deserted parking lot. We crushed up chunks of the dry ice and threw them into the water bottle. Then I poured the water in after the ice and Mouse capped it with the lid. Both of us rushed away and waited for a bang. But when the bottle refused to blow, we became skeptic about the whole thing. We tried again with a new bottle and a heap-load more dry ice and water. I kept at a distance of about 10 feet, a distance I thought was safe. The plastic seal was crackling under the pressure but it was still holding together. I took a step closer out of curiosity. Right then, the pressure had become to great for the bottle to contain. That's when I learned just how dangerous and stupid this challenge was. A single cacophonous shot rang from where the bottle once stood like a shotgun. The blast echoed through the vacant lot and winded me. There was no trace of a plastic bottle, only the back spray of water on the asphalt. Mouse and I caught each other's eye and ran for the car. It was an overload of adrenaline as we sped away from the scene. I can't promise that I won't try this challenge again, but I can safely say that I wont be standing so close to the explosives next time. I enjoy my ears too much for that.

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