Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 280: Drive Through A State

So we were about fed up with the town of Lindsborg. My mom, brother and I had been there for most of the weekend and it was quickly decided that it was time to get out of there. Early that Sunday morning we packed up the car and I had the uncommon urge to drive. I don't know if it was cause I was fed up with Lindsborg or if I just simply felt like driving, but I ended up driving the entire time. All 453 miles and all 7 hours and 13 minutes (approximate). Personally, I'm proud of that, cause I usually hate driving. On road trips I dread when it's my turn to drive. This particular drive was very uneventful, but it's not like I had to fight to stay conscious or anything. I've never driven that much in a day...and I don't really plan to do it again. 

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