Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 10: Edible Challenges

Its safe to say that the edible challenges were not, I repeat, were NOT a good idea. I was at work last night trying to think up my new thing for the day and I came to the conclusion that the "saltine challenge" and the "bread challenge" were O.K. to try.
Saltine Challenge: Eat 6 crackers in 60 seconds without the help of water.
Bread Challenge: Eat one slice of bread in 45 seconds without the help of water.
Seems easy right? Wrong. I felt confident before my attempt, I almost thought that the challenges were going to be too easy to count. I mean, Thats ten seconds for each cracker, this was going to be a cake walk I thought. 15 seconds and half a cracker into the challenge, I knew that I greatly underestimated the power of the dry saltiness of the saltine. At around 40 seconds I had two crackers down and it was apparent that my failure was secure. In a last ditch effort, I crammed the last of the crackers in my mouth, but that was futile, I had lost the challenge. The bread challenge ended up, for the most part, the same way. Although I was closer with the second challenge, I still lost.
Losing sucks and all, but its not as bad as barfing periodically throughout the entire night (which is how I spent my night). I felt terrible and couldn't sleep. I cant say for sure if it really was the edible challenges that caused me to hurl, but it is enough proof for me to not ever do either of those challenges again.

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