Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 13: Peep Challenge

     I never liked peeps. You know, those colorful little seasonal marshmallow easter treats? Its a sugar-coated-self-induced-diabetes-snack.Well, I told my friend (Mouse) about the peep challenge on a road trip a couple years ago and convinced him to try it.
     The Peeps Challenge: Simple, just eat 12 innocent peeps in 3 minutes, no water or puking.
     So I completely failed my last edible challenge (cracker and bread challenges) and I wasn't about to let this one defeat me. I (again) was pretty confident that I would utterly destroy this challenge, which (again) was a bad idea. I'm slowly figuring out that these over simplistic challenges are sometimes the hardest ones to complete unscathed. I know all too well the consequences of the last edible challenges (a night hunched over the toilet, hawking my guts out). Mental note: Stop being overly confident towards challenges that seem simple but involve food, and stop puking afterwards. I had the challenge and I was building my confidence the throughout the entire trip to the grocery store. Once I had the two boxes, I began to visually strategize my approach. They didn't have the original duck shaped peeps, so the heart shaped ones (I'd argue that the hearts were way bigger than the ducks and I should be given a medal for trying such an intimidating and potential harmful task) would have to do. The clock was set for 3 minutes and the wrappers were off the boxes in hopes of shedding a few seconds off of my time. The countdown started and I ignited with intensity. I tore through the first three with no signs of slowing down. Peep number four is the one that really slowed me down a bit. It had been a mere 50 seconds in and my stomach was already trying to take over the autopilot. After a bit of work, I took down the fifth and went for the first half of number six. By now it was a good minute an a half in and I was not feeling great. I imagine that when that amount of sugar hits your body at once your stomach is just awestruck at the complete disregard you have for it. I barely managed to get the first half consumed when the clock hit two minutes. By now I knew it was over. I was barely half way to my target when hurling seemed like a pretty reasonable option. I stopped before the time ran out and before I could dare finish number six out of respect for the well being of my body. I failed the challenge and developed a minor stomach ache but I got a taste (pun) of what professional eaters have to deal with. And I still hate peeps.
    The aftermath of the heart shaped peep feast. 

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