Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 34: Play The Powerball Lottery

     I've been going strong with this anti-meat diet for a couple days now. I happily ate my meat-free cereal for lunch instead of the typical ham sammich. I bypassed the beef jerky in the grocery store (though to be fair, I don't think that beef jerky would be much of a threat even when I'm not boycotting the carnivorous lifestyle). Things were looking good, it seemed like another day of vegie-ville would breeze by. That was however, until I got off work and came home to the intoxicating aroma of a freshly cooked pepperoni pizza. I was so hungry, and the meat layered slices of joy seemed to call to me, in the way that the sent of apple pie consumes the attention of hobos in cartoons. My stomach ached for nourishment and the pizza was more than palatable. I thought over the situation for a second. I assessed how far along I was with the project and how much it meant to me. I seriously considered simply picking off the meat parts so it would still be meat-less. I pondered the thought for a while longer. Then I realized, that simply picking off the meat is almost as bad as eating the meat. (side-note: I'm not saying that eating meat is, an anyway bad, I'm only stating that eating meat during this week long meat-free project is bad. It just means that If I succumb to temptation and consume meat, I lose the challenge.) I set a goal. The goal being: don't eat meat for 7 days, and I don't plan on losing that challenge within the first 3 days. And so, I resisted the urge to heat up the tempting meat slice. I resisted not because I believe that all animals should have the right to a life of euphoric field grazing and galloping through the meadows of utopia (not that I don't), but because I wanted to prove to myself that I could go seven straight days without consuming meat. So I settled for another crappy (but not nearly as bad as yesterday's) grilled cheese sammich. The vegie-challenge still rides!
     So thats that. My challenge was pretty lame today. Because its still horribly cold outside and I had to work today, I went ahead and bought a Power Ball ticket. I'm not much for gambling (maybe that'll change when I turn the big 21). It seems like things that are so astronomically improbably as the Power Ball lottery shouldn't even be considered to be gambling. The way I see it, running out into the middle of a thunderstorm with a giant antenna attached to your head is more of a gamble than the lotto could ever claim to be. Your gambling your life. Essentially your betting that you will either run around and get really excited with all the adrenaline and walk away with nothing but damp clothes and a really memorable story to tell, or, you'll get struck by lightning and die. Both are fairly likely to happen. Either you get the big pay off (the near death experience/story), or you get squat (3rd degree burns). But you can't win if you don't play. I feel like that is what gambling is all about. So we'll see. If Saturday night rolls around and I happen to win the $50 million prize, I'll gladly revise my theory on the lottery. fingers crossed.

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