Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 37: Sports Betting

     I don't know how well any of you guys keep up with this blog thang, but if you do, you might remember a couple weeks ago when I tried requesting a song on the radio. I tried to get a song on the air but none of the stations would answer. I called and recalled but nobody would answer, so I settled for sending a station an e-mail with my request. I had to assume that the song got in on the air because I had to go to work shortly after. Needlessly to say, that was pretty lame. So, because I felt that that challenge was a tad too lame, I had another crack at it today. It doesn't count as my new thing for today, its just cause I heard the DJ on the radio say that it was "The All Request Retro Show" with "Alf", and I knew that it was my opportunity to make one of my goals not suck as much. So, I called, and requested one of the only "retro" songs that I either knew or cared to hear, which was "Are Friends Electric" by Tubeway Army. Its a funky lil tune from 1979. I heard it once while chowing down on a nacho cheese chalupa at Taco Bell (toxic hell) and shazamed it on my phone. I've got it on the iPod, so I could listen to it right now if I really wanted to. But for some reason, I feel the need to sit at my computer and wait through half a dozen songs and commercials for Alf to play my request. Maybe it will sound better, or maybe I'll just feel a little bit special knowing that I'm the reason this song is playing. I am (in a very little way) in control of what other people are experiencing. Its meaningless to everyone except for the person requesting the song. I think of those weirdos that hold the neon colored signs with the sharpie inscribed scribble in front of that building on the Good Morning America show when I say that. They are so excited when the camera pans over them for a split second. It means so much to them, but not to you or me. All I see when I watch that is that there is a group of idiots in 12 degree weather that hoop and holler as they hold the signs that no one will read. So thats me right now. I'm anxiously leaning into the speakers of my computer, awaiting my turn to be in the spotlight. To be the one that changes what other people hear (or see in the case of the Good Morning America fans. Or any other group that wants to feel important when its not necessary). We're all searching for ways to make our mark.
     Apparently today was the super bowl, and apparently its super important that I watch it. Everyone was talking about it and posting their predictions and trash talk over Facebook. I mean, if everyones doing it, it must be right...right? Well I'm not really into football but I decided to watch anyways. Its not that I don't like football, I just don't like watching football. The same rules apply to almost anything that is even mildly entertaining. I would much rather play the sport than watch it, kind of like how I would much rather eat the chocolate cake as opposed to looking at the picture in a cookbook. But I sat through most of the game anyways, because it had to do with my new thing of the day. I decided that, due to the game-fever everyone was experiencing, I should have a football themed challenge. I wanted to take part in a sports bet (I think they're illegal so don't tell anyone!). I told him that I would bet 10 bucks that my team would win (one problem...I don't have a team). When I pick favorites of things that I know nothing about (cars, football teams, Pokemon, etc.), I usually look at whichever teams logo is cooler looking (As it turns out, that doesn't work as well with Pokemon, Snorlax gets his ass kicked all the time). The problem is, both the Green Bay Packers and the Pitsburg Steelers have lame logos. I couldn't decide which mascot would win the game. Either a capital letter "G", or a couple of oblong  square/star things. So I asked my dad what team he sided with (Green Bay), and I placed my bet against it. Four quarters, a couple interceptions and a musical performance or two later, I was paying my father his well earned 10 dollars. I lost and I clearly see why. Logos don't make the team, touchdowns and stats do. I guess I'll bet on whatever team my dad goes with next year.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh. Its finally on! The song I requested is on! I've been waiting for like 40 minutes to hear this. Haha awesome!
