Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 48: Take An IQ Test

     So I just got done taking a free online IQ test and the results are in. As it turns out, I'm pretty average when it comes to smarts. I fall just a couple points above the median score. I don't know if I should really trust the results that I got, I mean, it was free, and it was online. I actually ended up taking two tests because the first one that I took turned out to be a practical joke that said that I was so dumb that I decided to trust an online survey to correctly asses my mental capacity with 10 short questions. So that was a little embarrassing, but I forgot about it once I found a more professional looking test. The second test had a lot more questions and they were defiantly harder to answer. I ended up getting a 101 which is basically as average as you can get. I aint no genius and I guess I'm not mentally retarded. Ya learn something new everyday.

Here's a link to their website if you feel so inclined to test your brain power:

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