Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 36: Learn How To Sew

     Before I tell you upfront what my new thing for today was, please keep in mind that this project is more quantity than quality. I have to do a new thing every single day, that means that every now and then, you all are going to have to settle for me completing a pretty lame goal. Theres just too many experiences and not enough time. So today was one of those goals. Today I attempted to fix my favorite pair of jeans with a little old method known as sewing. I got the supplies needed; needle, scissors, and string. Then I looked up a couple of how-to videos on youtube to try and get a feel for what I was doing. The only problem with the videos was that the lady always assumed that I had a sewing machine or that I knew what all her lingo meant. I was lost and things were not getting any clearer, so I did what I do best, tried it with out knowing what the hell I was doing. I have had stitches a couple of times and so I tried to focus and remember how the doctor stitched the brow above my eye, and then I tried to recreate that stitching in the butt of my pants. I didn't bother with any of that complex weaving crap that the lady in the video was blabbering about, just simple crisscrossing for me. I tied the string across the tear and tightened it securely. So far the pants look like they might hold up for a little while, but who knows. It was a pretty boring challenge to complement a pretty boring day.
     Sad to say that I did not end up the winning the Power Ball Lottery ticket... I guess I have to go to work still...balls.

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