Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 238: Air Show

Look at that thing!!!
     I love how this challenge came to be because it was one of those times where everything just fell into place. I had just gotten done skating with my brother and we were on our way to our mom's house when I said something along the lines of "Okay, keep your eyes peeled for something new for me". My words were still echoing through the car when I caught a glimpse of what looked like an old school fighter jet from my peripheral. Under further inspection, we found out that we were driving past the (free) Bloomfield airshow. A new experience had presented itself to me and I knew better than to simply keep driving. Without warning, I cutoff a few cars over several lanes of traffic to make the next exit (its a small price to pay for a challenge like this). Sean and I parked and began to climb a massive mound that led to the base of the airport where the show was being held. We watched as giant mechanical monsters roamed the air. I was catching the drift that this was more of a showcasing event; where they just show off rare planes instead of performing death defying stunts. Most of the planes looked like ones from vintage war movies. The paint designs were awesome and schtuff. The grand finally was this ridiculous looking plane that was called the B-2 stealth bomber. It looked like a giant triangle and seemed to float around much like how I would assume a UFO might. The thing was monstrous and totally awesome. Fun times and sunburns all around!

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