Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 247:Coffee

    I bought my first coffee maker today. It was 8 bucks at Walmart, "no" wasn't an option. This challenge is a bit more abstract that most of the other ones because I've definitely had coffee before. That's not what this entry is about. And it's not about the act of buying a coffee maker either (even though technically I've never done it before). This is about the idea of what it means that I have finally decided to buy my own coffee maker. It's the idea that I'm "ready to have an addiction". Buying a coffee maker is a total game changer. It's saying that I don't want the ability to wake up on my own anymore. That I want to pay for each cup of boiling hot Colombian joe that will obliterate my tongue just as bad as the day before. That might be enough to make some people rethink their coffee drinking decision, but not me. The way I see it, I'm tired every morning anyways and if I'm about to drink something that is promised to energize me, it might as well be coffee. It's those intense energy drinks and shots that freak me out. I have no idea whats in them and they smell like total ass. Besides, I've grown fond of the taste of coffee in the past couple months. Here's to a milestone in my life; the day I decided that liquid crack was right for me.
With any luck, I'll get Sean hooked too

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