Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 244: Book on Tape

     I downloaded the first 5 chapters of The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King onto my Ipod so I could listen to it while I drove around town today. I found that it's harder than I thought it would be to pay attention to both the book and the road. Things got really hectic when some idiot cut me off (totally 100% his fault) and almost hit me. I spent the next 10 minutes yelling obscenities and displaying inappropriate hand gestures to help cool down. It wasn't till miles down the road that I even noticed that the book recording was even playing, so I had to rewind the tape to right before I was almost a victim of vehicular manslaughter so I wouldn't be confused later on in the book. Everything from stop lights to text messages became a total distraction to my book, and I have a hard enough time focusing as it is. It was apparent that the book on tape wasn't going to be the best way for me to read. When I read, I prefer the room to be silent and the distractions to be minimal. Plus I didn't really care for the speed at which the speaker would read. She was too slow and that annoyed me. I've only got 5 more CD's left to listen to, hopefully I can get through them without too many car crashes.

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