Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 126: BB gun

Yup, thats my butt

     This was bound to happen eventually. Whether it be because of the project, or just because I tend to make stupid decisions, this was going to happen to me someday. I let my friend shoot me in the butt with a BB gun. He just got it and we were shooting things from across the room and blowing in to smithereens. After a couple of practice shots, I found myself standing next to the shrapnel that was once a soda can. I had my back facing David and my butt exposed. And then, BANG. It didn't hurt at all for the first half second, but then I ran around the basement like a fool trying to outrun the pain. It hurt and it was funny, so it was a win/win. I got a baby welt from it, but nothing too serious.
This penny got messed up

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