Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 128: Police

     I've had my fair share of run-ins with the police with skateboarding and my terrible driving, but I had yet to call the police. Their duties are to protect and serve, and so far all I let them do was give me tickets and put me in handcuffs that one time for skating downtown (and then give me a ticket). Thats why, one day 128, I called the police. I did it cause I was at Kevin's house celebrating David's birthday and we kept hearing screams and yelling from the neighbors apartment. We all went quiet and listened to what was going on. There was a man sitting on the hood of a car that was parked in the lot in-front of the townhouse. He was mumbling angrily to himself and looked to be pretty drunk. He was wobbling around and cursing under his breath. A woman was standing with the front door half open yelling at him. She was saying a something that went a little like this "I fucking hate you, you piece of shit". I think that its safe to assume that these two are a husband and wife that don't have the best of relationships. The man suddenly stood up and charged at the woman and they took their commotion inside. thats where more screaming took place. We were all freaked out and didn't know what to do. We quietly talked it over on the back porch. The screaming stopped and and the husband stumbled onto his porch and began peeing off of it onto the bottom story of the town-home. That was pretty uncomfortable to say the least. As he urinated, I dialed 911, went inside, and told the lady what was going on. They sent an officer out  and the screaming stopped for the rest of the night. The strangest part of the whole incident was when the lady that was violently screaming about a half hour before asked us to quite down. She said that the police came to her door and she thought that the police went to the wrong address. She thought that the cop was trying to find us to talk to us about a noise complaint. I guess she didn't remember that she was screaming her head off just a half an hour before.

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