Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 91: I Own The Moon!

     You read right (well, unless you didn't), I own the moon. Not just any moon, I own IO, the innermost lunar object within the gravitational pull of the planet Jupiter. Everything that is detectable (light, heat, sound etc.) is now my property. This may sound a little absurd, and kind of stupid (which I admit, it totally is), but its inspired by a real guy who really did this. A man by the name of Dennis Hope claimed ownership of the moon some 20 years ago, and has been making a more-than-comfortable living by selling his lunar-land. He is in no way affiliated with the moon, he has never visited there, he has never sent any sort of probe, he doesn't even study the thing. He just sells the moon. Watch this quick clip and you tell me how idiotic it is. This guy just says that he owns the moon, and people throw wads of cash at him! Its the oldest trick in the book, a classic scam on a cosmic level. Its disgustingly inspiring. 
     Thats why I decided, if ya cant beat um, join um. as of April 1st, 2011, I, Kyle Garlock, am now the proud owner of a mint condition galactic satellite. I have signed documentation and everything. I have just as, if not more credibility than that Dennis Hope schmuck (remember when I checked out that outer-space book from the library on day 68?). All that guy has is a couple of stupid business cards (and so do I, day 81) and a document that he wrote saying that he owns the moon (day 91). So, that being said, anyone wanna buy some of my moon? Actually, in my document of ownership, I clearly state that the extraterrestrial land base is to be used for the sole purpose of education. Any and all attempts to further ones financial, political, religious, independent or corporate gains are strictly forbidden and shall be prosecuted. I figured for April fools day I would do the most preposterous challenge I could think of, and this was it. I own the moon!

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