Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 95: Mexican Coka Cola

     Cool things were supposed to happen today, really, I had it all planned out. Mac and I were going to take on the bike to Boulder challenge. I had everything packed and was totally ready to get some serious bike on. We set off on our journey but it soon became apparent that the wind was way too gnarly to bike in. We were fighting with the wind head on and losing. We struggled through the first mile and decided to call it quits. The wind was just too much to take. Thats when we chose the obvious option and acquire a couple of kites to fly. I wasn't about to count kite flying, we were just bored and wanted to take advantage of the wind. That whole kite flying thing didn't last long and was about as much fun as I remembered it (not very). We biked around and goofed off for the rest of the day. I biked home, disappointed that I hadn't completed my challenge. My dad was talking on the phone and pointed towards the kitchen where a plate of some delicious dinner was waiting for me. He signaled towards a glass bottle of Coke and said it was a Mexican Coke Bottle. There it was, my challenge, its not that cool, but its something. I had always heard that the Cokes from anywhere else in the world have a different formula than the ones in the U.S. I opened it and sipped at it casually as I ate my dinner. It was good, about as good as a normal Coke. I remember that the taste was a little funky and the aftertaste didn't seem as sweet, but I don't drink very much soda to begin with so I probably don't know what I'm talking about. I admit, this challenge is totally lame, but my plans for an awesome new thing caved in so this had to do. Pfft whatever.

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