Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 334: Read The Tabloids

     I used to think that everyone shared my opinion on gossip magazines and tabloids. That it was common knowledge that those publications were complete rubbish and newsstands only carried them to please the occasional crazy-cat-lady that would walk by. But in my short time as a cashier at Target I found that there was quite the demand for magazines that advertised pseudoscientific weight loss diets and scandalous celebrity drama than. As it turns out, the horoscope crowd is pretty big. So I thought I'd try it out (Well, Stefanie thought of it really). I picked up a fresh edition of Sun magazine and brought it to the my second puzzle party in two days (cause apparently, I just couldn't get enough puzzle) to gloss over. The Sun is a publication that hits from all angles. Their journalistic integrity remains intact as they cover such controversial issues like; "I Have an Alien in my Fridge!" and "We Prefer Hot Dogs to People". It was clear that this was some scholarly material. I thumbed through the pages and found a couple of articles that I particularly enjoyed. One was about the reincarnation of Albert Einstein, who happened to be a boy from Ohio, and another one was about "The Mini Monet", a 9 year old boy who sold $200,000 worth of art in thirty minutes.

     I can't say that it wasn't entertaining reading it. I can't even say that I didn't like it. To be honest, although I couldn't summon any amount of trust on the credibility of the magazine, I still found it wildly entertaining. I enjoyed reading about the guy's frozen alien cadaver more than I thought I would, and I couldn't seem to stop reading about that couple that decided to adopt 14 wild skunks. It was way more interesting than the things I should be interested in (politics and such). Maybe tabloids aren't so bad after all. Maybe I should check these out more often.

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