Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 338: Afro

     They said I couldn't do it. They said I'd just embarrass myself. They, being Kevin and Mouse, refused to believe that someone like me could actually do it. Sadly, both Kevin and Mouse were right. I'm talking of course about when I said that I was going to adopt the afro as my new look. They thew out semantics like "Your hair has no curl" and "But you're so pasty and white, why would you even want one?". I ignored their hater-aid sipping attitudes and bought myself an afro-pick anyways. I was picking aimlessly at my soon-to-be-fro before I even reached the parking lot, good start. I took some tips and used a couple strategies, but my hair wouldn't cooperate. Even rubbing vigorous little circles in my scalp with the palm of my hand (I guess that's how you get dreads) did nothing. I just had a freshly combed head of hair, which is pretty good too. But don't think that this is over, oh no, not by a long shot. Once I have super long, luscious hair, I'm gonna get it permed so I can finally achieve the afro headpiece.

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