Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 299: Break A World Record

     Let me tell you how stoked I am on this challenge. I've wanted to break a record since day one, and now, I have. Before you ask yourself too many questions about the record, I think you should watch this video. It comes from the website and it's the record that I just broke. The site that it's posted is pretty cool because it allows it's members to post their record attempts for the rest of the world to see. If you find a record that you think you can top, your free to try. All you have to do is film your attempt and post that sucka onto the website. In my case, I found the "Get on and off a bike the most times in a minute" record, and thought (and did) beat it. And if your going to be totally lame and say that it's not a respectable record on account of it not taking any real skill and that it's not backed up by the Guinness Book of World Records, then your just being unreasonable. I looked into the Guinness Book a few months back, and found out that they are just one giant scam. The amount of money it would take for me to verify (meaning= pay for one of their professionals to fly out and supervise the attempt and for the plague they award me) would be insane. And if you take a look at some of the records that those guys consider to be worth it, trust me, you'll be disappointed. So with all of that nonsense out of the way, it gives me great pleasure to present my successful world record attempt.

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