Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 324: Visit Wattenburg

     For today's challenge, I was planning on picking up some garlic so I could cook up a pain relieving cream that I saw online. I was really looking forward to it because I spent the day snowboarding and now my body was in pretty poor shape. But my plans for garlic were thwarted as I drove by the store and saw that every single parking space was occupied. The place was swarmed with folks that were reserving their rightful spot in the chaotic shit show known as Black Friday. The sales wouldn't start for at least another 6 hours, but that wasn't gonna stop these guys. I mean, it's Thanksgiving after all, why spend time with your families when you can wake up at ungodly hours to stand in a mile long line where you indulge in a greed driven comatose, so you can buy shit you don't want for the very same people you wouldn't even spend the Thanksgiving with?
     As for me, I don't care too much for the holidays. A bit of quick thinking and a lead foot got me a safe distance from the Black Friday apocalypse. I had to think of a new thing to try and so I kept driving, and I kept thinking. Eventually, I came to a highway, and decided to see where it led me. I just sat there, driving. I wanted to get as far away from Black Friday as possible, which is easier said then done. Every radio station seemed to be favoring the commercials over the actual music. I'd hear that monster truck announcer's voice say something like "Starting at 3am, get four blenders for a nickel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", and then I'd change the station.
This probably took place in Wattenburg
     I decided that my challenge would be to visit a town that I had never been to before, ideally it'd be one that was too small for a Walmart or any Black Friday nonsense. My wishful thinking had been answered. I saw a rustic old sign on the side of the highway that advertised that Wattenburg was one more exit up. I had never heard of the place, and judging by the desolate scenery, I'd say that most people haven't either. I took the exit and drove around the town for a good while. There were no signs life, and the gravel paved road was my only real clue that humans had ever been there. Soon enough, I found a corroded old shack that I assumed to be the town's bar. The dirt parking lot sported a couple pickup trucks that shared a striking resemblance to the rusty exterior of the building. I drove around a bit longer but couldn't find any other places of interest. It was just dirt and grass. It was clear that I had gotten about as much fun out of Wattenburg as it was going to allow. It was time to trek home.
     On the way back, I tried to justify to myself that the trip wasn't a total waste of time and gas. In one respect, it did desist me from dealing with Black Friday (with the exception of all of those radio advertisements). And I got to see a new place (well, I got to see some dirt, a shack and a couple of trucks). It was also a good time to for me to just sit and think about stuff, and I liked that. In the end, I don't think that this was a waste of time whatsoever. This project is all about getting cultured about anything and everything, and Wattenburg was just another opportunity (an incredibly boring one) for me to experience.

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