Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 314: Eat Seaweed

     Frankly, I didn't even know that seaweed qualified as food, I always dismissed it as a nuisance, the weed of the sea. I had no intention of eating seaweed tonight, instead I had big plans for my new thing. I was on my way to a Buddhist temple in Boulder to sit in on a class and discussion type dealy. My phone, that had the directions to the temple, died on me and Sean as we tried to navigate through the foreign streets of Boulder's downtown. We were lost, and there was no way we were going to make it to the Buddha gig. We decided to make the best of the situation by parking the car and wandering aimlessly about town. The two of us drifted through the mall of shops in search of something odd. I gave a homeless man a dollar, then ordered a tall chi tea from a Starbucks. I asked the kid who was making my drink weather or not he knew anything about the supposedly legitimate cat poop coffee that was rumored to be next big thing in the industry. Someone in class was going off on cat-poop coffee beans a couple days ago, and they were ranting about how Starbucks should have them in by the end of the year. As far as poop goes, I guess this stuff was supposed to be really freaking tasty...and expensive. He wore a blank face, then said "I haven't heard of anything cat poo related lately, but ya never know" and handed me my coffee. Dang, that could have been a great challenge.
     Author's Note- Just looked up this cat poo coffee online. It's real. It's called Kopi Luwak and it's known as the world's most expensive coffee (160$ a pound!). Basically, an ugly cat eats the beans of coffee berries, poops them out, and then people make expensive shitty (in a good way?) coffee out of it. I'm sure that the process is a bit more in depth than that, but I've been looking at this "how to make cat poop coffee" Wiki page for too long, and now I just feel creepy.
     From there, we headed over to the Whole Foods megaplex to drop off the glass bottle from the root beer milk challenge so I could get my 1.50$ bottle deposit back. It was obvious that there was some in-store exploring to be done, so we quickly got to work. It was a tossup between some unidentifiable green mush I saw in the buffet section and the dehydrated seaweed chips, a lose-lose for everyone. The cashier that rang me out told me that seaweed is like "The next big thing". I wasn't sure what he meant, but assumed it was good. Later I found out that seaweed is horribly disgusting and I made a huge mistake buying and eating it. I forced down 2 and a half 3x1 inch chips of dried up seaweed to ensure that I gave it a fair shot. Seaweed is horrible, no wonder fish are so unhappy, that stuff sucks. It looked just like that green mildew that gathers on the glass of a fish tank, and guess what... it tasted just like it as well. I felt like I was chewing on a Fruit by the Foot snack that had been salvaged from the Titanic. Just God awful. Now my stomach hurts and my tongue tastes like I've been licking sewage pipes. If only I made it to the temple...

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